Monday, September 15, 2014

moonlight silk metal sea

A piece of metal at jacob riis park


wrapping silk over & through metal, under the moonlight

day after the storm

Tide still on its way out 


unwrapping from the metal & unburying from the sand

sand post-storm

drying in the seabreeze

a visitor 

Monday, August 25, 2014

This weaving project went in stages.  The first stage happened lord knows how long ago - winding the warp.  I sat on that wound warp for years.  I moved with it from Montreal to NYC.  It sat untouched for at least two years, waiting patiently.  Then this July I went to NH, hung out in the old basement of my grandparents house, and dressed the loom, with some welcome intermittent help from my brother in law.  

Then the pedals were acting funny, and I had to wait another few weeks before I could return to the White Mountains of NH and finish the project, after a little assistance from a kind man at Leclerc, and text message conferences with an old friend. 

Finally, in mid-August, the project was woven, and cut off the loom. 

Sometimes things take their own time.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

An old cyanotype in process

Studio Nostalgia

 Loved being a tenant in the Long Haul, such a great community of artists, & such beautiful studios

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

hangin' on rooftops

Very little more satisfying than a Monday off where the sun is shining.  In the future I want to learn to surf on Mondays, but today, the first weekday in June I tested out the Inkodye (a less toxic cyanotype substitute) on the roof.  Results will have to be posted later, they were subtle as I was working with blue on dyed silk, but I did a piece on white silk & it gives a good depth of color.  The intensity of the sun (late afternoon sun at that!) I'm sure also helped. 

The plastic shapes from Canal Plastics were fun, and the grates on the rooftop already helped fight against the avid wind.