Sunday, February 21, 2021

Some more interactions with trees

 I'm not sure what it is about the space between trees that is really calling to me these days.   

It feels important, but unclear. 

The branch could have grown in any direction, and it carved out this space by growing the way it did. 

I feel similarly about the shape of rocks, and the space where the rock is not.  

Then there is bark.  I took some impressions of bark, that magical protective, expressive element of the tree. 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Experiments with in between

 A series of preliminary investigations of the spaces between branches of trees.


I have been deeply inspired by the practice of Cecilia Vicuña lately. I am taken by her experiments with red thread and her precarios sculptures that were in conversation with the sea. Her poetry and voice are also resonant and vibrating at the back of my mind.  

I am also walking often enough to Randall's Island, a mix of natural and industrial land that the East River wraps around.  I am taken with the branches against the skies and in relationship to one another, as well as the negative spaces in rock formations and between the rocks that hold the river back.