Thursday, June 18, 2009

corset, anyone?

I made this block print after a tree I had seen in Montes Azules, Chiapas, one day as we picked peppers and tomatoes and bananas in the milpa. I thought it looked like a woman raising her hands to the sky. That same night in the community my presence made it impossible for domestic violence to take place in the house of a friend. I don't give myself any credit for this, it simply happened that I was able to intervene.
This corset I made as a very indirect response to the issue of domestic violence, something which occurs in the physical, mental and psychological domains and occurs as a result of the rampant sexism of our country and larger world.
While this corset structure acts not to restrict a woman's stomach nor breathing, it does make her invisible from the waist up. This is illustrative of the difficulties feminism faces in making societal and systemic changes - since feminism and its intersections are up against a sexism and other -isms so embedded into societal structure, a step in one direction can end up creating new obstacles.
by the way, i think corsets are sexy. ain´t got no beef with them. my beef is with classist, racist and prude feminisms, the police, and cluster bombs. among other things.

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