Monday, April 19, 2010


Some of the best conversations I have at University take place in the evenings with the people who clean up after us students. I have learned much about art, weaving, language, volcanoes, earthquakes, music and even details of the RCMP through these late night conversations, and boy is it nice to have others in this huge empty building when the sun hasn´t yet come up. Was just re-introduced to the art of David Alfaro Siqueiros by a man originally from Jalisco, and wow am I glad. His above work, Echo of a Scream, is phenomenal.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

untitled performance shots

goldstone report on ribbon

i printed some pieces of the goldstone report on some transparent white ribbon a while back. seems exceptionally relevant, as it is time to take this report on more than ever. . . and maybe even heed some of its recommendations? what a radical idea.

not sure what it accomplishes/fails to accomplish. it was cathartic, had been wanting to happen ever since that report was drafted and I'd like to do the entire report and put it in the streets, but the why and how of this remain unknown to date...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

dye process of shibori weavings

was really disappointed in how some of these came out ... will turn them into garments and show them to you again. Contrast that hippie edge out...

shibori weaving

the city i live in

i know The City is found somewhere south of here, but this is the city i live in, and its pretty nice. especially when winter is ending.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

a morsel of feminism

check out what I just received via my skype account

European and American women are too arrogant for you? Are you looking for a sweet lady that will be caring and understanding? Then you came to the right place- here you can find a Russian lady that will love you with all her heart. Can't find a queen to rule your heart? How about beautiful Russian ladies that have royal blood and royal look? Here you can find hundreds of portfolios of these fine women of any age for every taste. Please excuse us if you are not interested.

Beautiful Russian ladies -

too arrogant, eh? and people say feminism is no longer relevant.

an artist statement and an ikat weaving

I work primarily with fabrics themselves, both in their creation and manipulation. I use varied print and dye processes to make layers, and ask the material to embody histoires, the histories of labor both visible and invisible. My work is largely flat, yet like in painting, its three-dimensionality is inherent. I am interested in the ways in which our bodies interact with textiles on a daily basis, and in the potential of pattern to both interrogate and decorate our bodies and our lives.

Je travaille principalement avec le tissu, tant dans leur création et leur manipulation. J’utilise une variée de procédés d’impression et de teinture et je demande au matériel d’incarner l’histoire, l’histoire due travail à la fois visible et invisible. Mes pièces sont souvent en deux dimensions, pourtant comme dans la peinture sa tridimensionnalité est inhérente. Je suis intéressé par la façon don’t les tissus peuplent notre vie quotidienne et par le potentiel du motif qui interroge et décor notre corps et notre monde.


Recently my work was in an exhibit put on by Concordia's Fibres Student Association. I am grateful to them for both providing the opportunity, showing my work, and taking slide photographs of the work for me. Below is my project description.

Desde los pies

La position social dans laquelle on est né, notre nationalité et position économique - qui viennent avec leurs propres avantages ou desavantages, comme acces au services sociaux, la liberté du mouvement, etc – structurent nos vies et de notre societé. Pourtant, il existe un mythe social omniprésent qui donne à penser que le niveau de réussite financière d'une personne réfletent son intégrité et l'éthique du travail. C’est le mythe du rêve américain: n’importe qui peut passer de la pauvreté à la richesse, n’importe qui peut passer de sans-abri à la possession d’une maison bien à eux. C’est une question de choix, pas de cironstance, dit ce mythe. Le dypthic Desde los pies suggère ambigué autrement.

La publicité (De la tête aux pieds, Tous qu’un gentleman a besoin pour s’habiller élégamment) fait une fort opposition avec le sjuet ci-haut. Le sujet, malchanceux, est bien loin d’être consideré comme un gentleman dans la societé, ce qui accentu le paradoxe entre lui et la publicité. Le composition présent une observation sur les classes sociales, et sur la fissure entre ceux qui possède, et ceux qui n’ont rien. Est-ce simplement la malchance ou inversement une torsion gracieuse du destin qui défini les positions sociales qu’on habite?

En espagnol, la publicité fait référence à l’Espagne, au Mexique, ou n’importe où en Amerique Latine, ce qui crée une ambiguité dans l’analyse suivante. Pourtant, dans cette pièce, le positionnement du nord et sud dans la composition est aussi l’expression d’un fort désir, mélangé avec une necessité construit par des situations économiques presentent partout en Amerique Latine, d’aller au nord où ce trouve la richesse. C’est un desir de traverser la frontière entre le Mexique et les États-Unis pour commencer une nouvelle vie sur les terres de ‘l’opportunité’ ou chaque homme – supposément – a la même chance de prestige social et de la richesse.

Desde los pies

The nationality and social class we are born into - and all that comes with this position - i.e. access to social services, freedom of movements, etc - structure our lives and larger society. Yet there is a pervasive social myth that suggests that a person's level of financial sucess speaks to their integrity and work ethic. This is the myth of the American dream: anyone can rise from poverty to riches, anyone can go from being homeless to owning a home of their own. It is a matter of choice, not circumstance, says this myth. The dyptich Desde los pies ambiguously suggests otherwise.

The advertisement ("From your head to your toes, everything a gentleman needs to dress smartly") contrasts sharply with the down and out subject beneath it. The subject's distance from even being considered a gentleman in society is apparent, strengthening the paradox. This comments on social class, and on the fissure between those that have and those that have not. It is simply out of a hard run of luck, or inversely a gracious twist of fate that we inhabit the social positions that we do?

As the advertisement is in Spanish, we could be in Spain, Mexico or anywhere in Latin America, which makes the second reading ambiguous. Yet the piece, in its positioning of north and south in the composition, is also an expression of a strong desire/constructed necessity throughout Latin America to go north were the riches are, to traverse the US/Mexico border and start a new life in the land of opportunity' where all men - it is supposed- have equal chance of social prestige and wealth.